Diablo 4

Diablo IV: The livestream was a big double edged sword

Diablo IV‘s recent livestream proved to be a double-edged sword, offering both positive and negative aspects:

Good bits:

  • It was a relief that Rod wasn’t present to hinder the discussion.
  • The livestream provided answers and information, though not entirely what the community desired. Nevertheless, having some insights was appreciated.
  • The team seems responsive to feedback and is working on various improvements. The unexpected announcement of an additional stash tab in an upcoming season was a pleasant surprise.
  • It appears that they comprehend the negative reception of patch 1.10 and the numerous issues it caused, indicating a desire to avoid similar problems.

Bad bits:

  • Their handling of seasons seems uncertain and lacking direction. The basic concept they presented gives the impression that they are still figuring it out.
  • The leads or team members appear to have limited exposure to other ARPGs within the genre, leading to questionable decisions. The nerf to NM dungeon difficulty without introducing more challenging content for hardcore players is one such instance.
  • Despite Blizzard’s history of community engagement, it seems as though this is their first attempt at it, resulting in repeating past mistakes made by other Blizzard teams.
  • They avoided addressing a seemingly nonsensical design decision regarding the addition of 2 seconds to the “leave dungeon” ability, which left the community wondering.

The disappointment stems from the acknowledgment that patch 1.10 was profoundly flawed, yet they released it anyway.

In summary, the livestream was a mixed bag, offering valuable information and updates. However, as a long-time ARPG player with experience in various games from the genre, it appears that the decision-makers for Diablo IV may not be avid fans of the genre, MMOexp.com maybe can help you, more cheap diablo 4 gold and diablo 4 items, Live chat 24/7 online. Their design choices seem heavily influenced by other Blizzard games rather than drawing from a broader understanding of ARPGs.