Dark and Darker

I initiated my gaming session with two Guild Challenges

I’ve been engaged with the game since its second open playtest. Initially, I focused on the Wizard class and derived immense enjoyment from it, having experienced several noteworthy moments in high-risk scenarios alongside various teams. However, through subsequent playtests and into the current open alpha phase, my preference for three-player groups, outside of my established PvE farming team, has waned.

When I’m in the mood for PvP, I opt to go solo, even though I often meet defeat. The discrepancies in equipment and the overall intensity in both standard and high-risk three-player engagements have reached their peak, exacerbated by an escalating number of players dominating the scene. Today, I logged in as my Wizard character and, while savoring my coffee, I invested 300g through the trading post to acquire high-quality items: a spell book, ring, robes, and amulet. I also picked up plain white/grey trader gloves and boots.

I initiated my gaming session with two Guild Challenges to warm up and accumulate some currency. After stocking up on potions, I engaged in a high-stakes battle. Immediately, I found myself pursued by a formidable combination of a fighter and a bard who specialized in ranged combat. Surprisingly, I pulled off an impressive invisibility maneuver as the bard and fighter bore down on me. Swiftly, I shut a door between us and managed to eliminate their ranger adversary with a skillful combination of a lightning bolt and a precision fireball. With my health dangerously low, I cast another fireball at a nearby doorway. Faced with the relentless pursuit of the fighter, I cast an arcane missile spell at the door in a desperate attempt to escape.

The skilled fighter, clad in orange armor and wielding a legendary sword, succumbed swiftly to the barrage of arcane missiles and the subsequent feedback. Subsequently, the bard made the ill-fated decision to loot the fighter’s body instead of continuing the chase, leading to their demise due to another fireball and my final lightning zap. Upon selling the spoils, I found myself with nearly 5,000 Dark and Darker gold, a substantial gain from my initial investment of 300g. I would readily endure countless unsuccessful attempts to replicate the satisfaction of outsmarting and outplaying opponents who possess far superior gear and overconfidence.

This is the unique thrill that Dark and Darker brings to the table. While the disparity in equipment remains a significant concern, no other game manages to deliver such an exhilarating rush of satisfaction.